Alessandro Giorgi

upcoming / ongoing

Sep 7 - Oct 10 group exhibition, Art Circle Collection, AKM Koblenz (DE)

Sep 15 - Oct 20 group exhibition, 31. Kunstpreis Aichach, Aichach (DE)

Oct 19 - Nov 17 solo exhibition, Living in a Box, Projektraum Munich (DE)

education and workshops

2024   Care to Care Summer training, The artist and the others, Munich DE
2014   MiMaster, Workshop Illustrazione Editoriale con Emiliano Ponzi, Milan IT
2010 - 2011  Architekturstudium RWTH Aachen DE
2008 - 2014  Architettura Magistrale, Università degli Studi di Palermo IT

solo exhibitions

2024   Lucid Dream, Spazioarte, Munich DE
2022   N.22 Alessandro Giorgi, Munich Art Gallery, Munich DE
2015    DREAM-ON, ARCI Porco Rosso and ZisaLAB, Palermo IT

selected group exhibitions and art fairs

2024   MITosis, Kopfbaut e.V., Munich DE
2024   KUNSTpause, Zug CH
2023   L'organisation de la chute, Galerie Vous êtes ici, Haubourdin FR
2023   Summer Heat, Artespace, Munich DE
2023   Art Fair, Stroke, Munich DE
2023   Münchner Traum, Dying House - Broke Today, Munich DE
2022   Opening, Wagenschlag Contemporary, Vienna AUS
2022   Arcana, Feierwerk Farbenladen, Munich DE
2022   24 Münchner Positionen, Projektraum Munich Art, Munich DE
2022   Kunst Mitte, Galerie Kubik, Magdeburg DE
2022   Discovery Art Fair, Munich Art Gallery, Cologne DE
2019   Finalists Fumetto Comic Festival, Luzern CH

residencies and projects

2024   Art Circle International - Italian Embassy, Brda SLO
2024   Open Studios 2024, Tanztendenz e. V., Munich DE
2016   Periferica - Urban regeneration project, Mazara del Vallo IT


2023   L'organisation de la Chute - Psycho Pet,N. 6, FR
2019   Guida pratica alle costruzioni in terra-cruda, Aracne Editrice, Roma IT
2016   L´insonne n.4, Trapani IT
2015   Nurant Illustration MAG- ISSUE.20, Milan IT


KSK   Künstler Sozial Kasse
BBK   Berufsverband Bildender Künstler:innen München und Oberbayern
IGBK   Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste

private collections

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK, USA
© Alessandro Giorgi  2024